Top 10 Ways Small Business SEO Works

Top 10 Ways Small Business SEO Works

In today's digital age, small businesses face the daunting task of standing out in a crowded marketplace. Enter SEO—the magical toolkit that can elevate your brand from obscurity to prominence. Imagine your business popping up on page one of search results when potential customers are looking for services you provide. Sounds like a dream? It's not! With smart SEO strategies, even the smallest ventures can harness online visibility and attract their ideal audience. Whether you're just starting or seeking to boost your established presence, understanding how small business SEO works is crucial for success. Let's dive into the top 10 ways it can transform your operations and catapult you ahead of the competition!

Top 10 Ways Small Business SEO Works

Small business SEO is like a secret weapon in the digital battleground. First, it helps your brand shine brighter than a disco ball at a 70s party, making sure potential customers ca…

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Promoting Your Business on Facebook

Many people think they can easily promote their business on Facebook. It's true that it's just a few steps to get a basic ad produced and online, but there are more steps involved. Facebook has different ad purposes like lead generation, web traffic, etc. Lead generation has a Facebook form people fill out when they click your ad. Web Traffic increases your website traffic by pointing to your site when someone clicks. When creating your ad, you'll create an image. I do this in PowerPoint because it's easy. You'll need to create it a specific size and there are plenty of ad specifications to keep in mind. Here's a spec post to tell you more about that. You'll want to create several types with different headings and different words, with different pictures. This is because, once you launch your ads, some may not be approved. And, you need to monitor how effective they are. Once you see how successful each ad is, how many…
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Praise vs Reprimand: How to Treat Employees

So how are you supposed to treat employees? Many people feel that keeping your employees down will keep them from asking for raises, or seeking other employment. But this cannot be farther from the truth. Praising your employees helps their morale it helps their demeanor and it helps them feel better about coming to work. I’ve been on both sides of this topic. As an employer I always lean towards praising employees and sometimes too much. I have experienced employees leaving because I pumped up there or ego so much that they overvalued themselves and thought they could make more elsewhere. However, I find that their morale is much higher in their production is much higher. I would rather train and give opportunities to people who have a high morale and a high productivity and then just be happy with who sticks. Otherwise, you’re left with the staff who feels bad about themselves, unsure about their job, does not like coming to work, feels undervalued and under appreciated, and…
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The number 1 tip for top search engine ranking

Top search engine ranking is to post often. Many people think that to rank on the search engines you need to pay for a service hire someone or use Google paper click. But that can’t be farther from the truth. The best way to break in Google Bing Yahoo or other search engine is to post unique content daily and, if possible, add a video. Posting often gives your website fresh content that Google can index and lets the search engines know that you are an active website and something that they can reference to people who search things on the Internet. The services that you might hire cannot achieve this for you you have to achieve it for yourself so searching the Internet will come up with more and more of your listings instead of someone else’s. You don’t have to spend a lot of time writing your article, you just need to write it. Writing often is easy. To write a post often you just need to think up a story and tell it by writing it down. There is a science to it and something…
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Is Facebook Advertising Worth All The Hassle?

Facebook Advertising has gained popularity, no thanks to the Facebook policy makers. The overbearing and complicated ads system is littered with rules and political correctness, along with tons of seemingly meaningless regulations. Some of these really have merit. Some don't. But, the bottom line is Facebook is still worth using for advertising because it works. I'm not positive it works well enough to pay what they inevitably charge, but it's not all that bad. Facebook has a very ambiguous method of determining what to charge, fraught with a network of tunnels to navigate. For instance, trying to get an ad approved is sometimes easy and sometimes tough. It depends on....well....nobody knows. Recently, I tried to post several ads for over a week, only to learn that they didn't like the picture. It may or may not have portrayed politically evil competition where one side won over the other. What? One wins and the other doesn't. Blasphemy! It's true that social platforms ar…
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Use Common Sense When Describing Your Business in Advertising

Most people think they need to prepare crafty descriptions for their business, especially when preparing a script for radio or television ads. I will describe why this is not needed, a waste of time, and could even hurt how effective your ad could be. These days people are very picky about advertising. I’m the first to make fun of ads I hear in the radio. Some of them really leave me rolling my eyes because the business owner tried so hard and that showed. But what also showed is that they are obviously stuck in the past with old tactics that don’t work anymore. Using terms like, “folks”, “fast friendly service”, “quality materials”, “attention to detail”, “quality workmanship”, and “chuck in a truck” to describe your competitors should be used with caution or not at all. Yes, using terms that you might use in a flyer or business description are taboo in radio advertising in particular. The reason radio is so touchy is that your audience can only base their opinions of your …
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Create The Best Blog Post for SEO

Create the Best Blog Post for SEO So, you want to create the best blog post for SEO. There are many ways to write a blog post. But if you want a blog post that's best for search engines, there's a pretty distinct answer and pattern to follow. From a fundamental view, the best blog post for search engines is ANY BLOG POST on a regular basis. But it get's deeper than that. Added video To create the best blog post for SEO, you need to add video as much as possible. Google loves video and any post with video will hold more weight than one without it. The most important post is a daily one. Nothing else is this important. But video will provide a huge boost. At least 400 words long There's not much to say about this except that it needs to be at least 400 words. This is from experience and not based on any known facts about the Google algorithm, because nobody knows for sure what's in it. 400 words has shown to be about the minimum for effective results. Keyword Optimized …
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What Can I Do To Market My Business?

"What can I do to market my business?" This is the top question I get when meeting a business owner, or independent salesperson. As soon as I mention what I do for a living, inevitably people want free advice. So, I decided to put together some guidelines that helped me market my business. Make a List You must know who your potential customers are. So, make a list of everyone you know, everyone you've done business with, buy things from, family, friends, past clients, etc. Use a spreadsheet and capture all the basic details. (name, address, city, state, zip, phone, email, relationship, and notes). Add to this list every time you meet someone new, or make a new sale. Get into the habit and never stop doing this. Communicate with your List This is where most people scratch their heads. Communicating with your list is easy, but must be done effectively. This depends on what kind of business you are in. First, you want to get an email system like Outstand. I've loved t…
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What a Business Website Is and Isn’t

What a Business Website Is and Isn't Today we will discuss what a business website is and isn't. Many business owners and salespeople think that, "If I build it, they will come". That simply isn't true. If you build a business website, you should be very clear about what you want from it. Among the many purposes of a website, they can be: A digital calling card A means of facilitating consumer inquiries or quote requests A catalog of your items for sale A way for consumers to buy items directly from your website A means of distributing your thoughts on a particular subject A way for people to find you when they search the internet However, a business website will not bring you business without significant, consistent, effort to promote it and to write daily content. The search engines don't recommend your website just because it exists. They recommend websites that feature content pertaining to the inquirer's search terms. But, they only recommend th…
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Marketing 101: Build a Local Referral Network

Build a Local Referral Network Why build a local referral network? Every salesperson and business owner dreams of a simple way to generate a steady flow of potential customers. Many turn to advertising, spending thousands of dollars, in hopes of making the phone ring or the customers coming in. There are many available options offered to business owners, some effective and some ineffective. Many expensive options are largely ineffective, which seams counter-intuitive. You'd think spending a bunch of money on advertising would bring in lots of business. However, often times it will simply drain your budget. Much like building a local referral network, the most effective business generation strategies actually take some planning and work to implement. In fact, there may be a correlation between the effort required and the effectiveness because most people won't do it. Have you ever heard the saying, "To have what others don't have, you must do what others are unwilling to do"…
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